Consecration means to set aside and make holy. By freely offering ourselves to Our Lady, she will lead us to her Divine Son so that we may become one with Him. True consecration will only lead to union with God.
The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart will lay the foundation to welcome God into a world that has rejected Him.
“The devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the means of salvation for these difficult times in the Church and in the world.”1
– Sr. Lucia, seer of Fatima Apparitions
(L’Osservatore Romano, (Vatican City, No. 2 – 9 January 2002), p. 7.)
“Christ is the way; Mary reflects the way; her Scapular is our keepsake on the way.”
“Therefore all Carmelites [including those who wear the Brown Scapular], … belong to the same Family of Our Most Blessed Mother and are attached to it by a special bond of love. May they all see in this Keepsake of the Virgin herself a Mirror of humility and purity; may they read in the very simplicity of the Garment a concise lesson in modesty and simplicity; above all, may they behold in this same Garment, which they wear day and night, the eloquently expressive symbol of their prayers for the divine assistance; finally, may it be to them a Sign of their Consecration to the Most Sacred heart of the Immaculate Virgin, a consecration which in recent times We have so strongly recommended.” Pope Pius XII, February 11, 1950